Date Smarter, Not Harder Relationships Talk Show!

Date Smarter, Not Harder Relationships Talk Show!

Blaming Black Women for Cheating Black Men

March 21, 2016

There's a meme going around Facebook which proclaims that a woman who turns her man down for sex has no right to get upset when he tips out on her and gets with another woman. Thousands of black men AND WOMEN agreed with the premise that a woman should be the sole party held accountable for her man's wandering eye and body. The thing that surprised me was how many women were willing to accept responsibility for the hurtful actions of an adult male who made a promise of loyalty, fidelity and "until death do us part."

I was also surprised that not one person asked "well why does she not want to sleep with the man she loves - is this a temporary thing or a repetitive pattern?" I think it makes a difference.

Welcome Ms. HeartBeat (Deborrah Cooper) of SurvivingDating.Com back to BlogTalkRadio after a lengthy hiatus. Together, let's explore the dynamics of a relationship or marriage where one party feels justfied in cheating, and the other accepts blame and responsibility for their mate's egregious behavior without a peep.

I mean, where they do dat at?