Smart Drug Smarts: Brain Optimization | Nootropics | Neuroscience

Smart Drug Smarts: Brain Optimization | Nootropics | Neuroscience

SDS 108: Hormesis

December 25, 2015

For the year end finale of the podcast Jesse brings the concept of Hormesis to the forefront - reinforcing the idea that if a little is good, more is not usually better. Joining him is world renowned expert and staunch advocate of Hormesis Dr. Edward Calabrese</a> from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Bring along your smartypants for this one and brace yourself for a few surprising revelations.

Talking about “smarts”, did you know your IQ is linked to how long you’ll live or that there’s an actual mathematical formula to determine which songs make you feel good? What if I told you that this same mathematical formula was used to determine the Top 10 feel good songs of all time - do you think any of your favorites made it to that list? Find out in the Ruthless Listener Retention Gimmick.