Smart and Simple Matters: Creating Community, Simplicity, and Authenticity with You

Smart and Simple Matters: Creating Community, Simplicity, and Authenticity with You

Latest Episodes

6 Key Community Conversations and the Questions That Transform Them – SASM 100
May 16, 2016

This special solo episode features why community becomes a bigger deal the more you don't have it, the 3 qualities of a great question for any community setting, and which of the 6 crucial conversations you need to have in your community.

Feeling Paralyzed? Find a New “P” and Change Your Reality with Kelly Exeter – SASM 099
May 02, 2016

This episode features Kelly Exeter on how her total breakdown led to a less frantic life, a gift that every parent can (should?) give their kids, and why more "doing" is not the solution to feeling overwhelmed.

The More of Less and Generosity as an Act of Bravery with Joshua Becker – SASM 098
April 18, 2016

This episode features Joshua Becker on why generosity is an act of bravery (even though everyone wants it), how minimalism lets you pursue happiness or fulfillment where you want, and the three layers of clutter ... and how to get rid of each one.

Alexx Stuart: from World’s Best Bartender to Low Tox Life Champion – SASM 097
April 04, 2016

This episode features Alexx Stuart on why food as love can be unhealthy – especially for children, how to align what's best for you with what's best for our planet, and the #1 tip to give your kids ownership over what and how they eat.

Being Happily Replaceable, Spreadsheet Poets, and Fertility Challenges with Emily McDermott – SASM 096
March 21, 2016

This episode features Emily McDermott on why asking for help early prevents getting overwhelmed later, how having an accountability partner can change your life (even if you've never met), and whether happiness can come from making yourself replaceable...

The 5 Elements of Your Full Voice and Saying Yes to Our Biggest Fears with Barbara McAfee – SASM 095
March 07, 2016

This episode features Barbara McAfee on why fear is like an outfit that looks bad on everyone, the five distinct elements of your voice and how to use them, plus how innate talents are trained out of you (and how to get them back).

Why Deleting 90.44% of My Best Music Made Me Feel Super – SASM 094
February 22, 2016

This special solo episode features what artists influenced my youth – and that I'm now disowning, attributes of the 26 songs I kept (and the 246 I deleted), and how to reassess what experiences you invite into your life.

Finding and Aligning Your Core Values with Jeff Sandquist – SASM 093
February 08, 2016

This episode features Jeff Sandquist on how to uncover your core values and live in alignment with them, why relying on external validation is such a dangerous trap, and how tasting life's brittleness is both a curse and a blessing.

Slow Food, Social Obesity, and Why Nobody Wins a Parenting Race with Carl Honore – SASM 092
January 25, 2016

This episode features Carl Honore on how to prevent social obesity while gorging on meaningful connections, how to make your smartphone your servant instead of your master, and who wins the parenting race: the tortoise … or the hare?

Why Is Our New Home for Simplicity, Community, and All Things Groovy – SASM 091
January 11, 2016

This special solo episode features my new vision of how I contribute best to your life, why my favorite currencies are hugs, smiles, and authentic chats, and why I made the big move from Value of Simple to