Small Business Naked

Small Business Naked

34 – What’s Up: The Website Competition!

March 18, 2015

Big show today on our small business podcast.  Even though it is just the What's Up episode.  Several announcements.

FIRST, we have a new phone number.  If you have a question, comment, or just want to get on the show, call us and leave us a message.

The number is (775) Fi - NAKED or (775)346-2533.  We would love to hear from you.

Second:  We are on MeetUp in Denver and in Boulder (in April).  We would love to have you join us.  AND, if you are interested in having a Small Business Naked MeetUp in your city, let us know.  We want to expand it soon.

Third:  We have a new sponsor!! can help you if you have a service based business.  Nick has been using them for about two years.  Check them out FOR FREE!!!  It is all cloud based, and easy to use.  Even Nick can use it.

Then, we spent most of the time talking about how we both need new websites, and that we have each selected different companies to build new websites for each of us.  AND yes, we are spending real dollars.  If you have ever had a website built for your small business, you know what a chore and a time suck this can be.  We have each chosen very different companies to do each site, and we are going to be reporting back and sharing how things go.  Stay tuned!

To listen to the entire interview, please visit us on iTunes or Stitcher or at our website, Small Business Naked is one of the best free small business podcasts to listen to if you are an entrepreneur, a small business owner, or you are stuck working for The Man and are looking for small business ideas.  Please give us a review on iTunes and follow us on Facebook.