Small Town America

Small Town America

Small Town America Interviews Donald Stark: Part I

December 01, 2017

This was one of the first episodes we recorded and it is by far one of the most important to us:

Born in Portland in 1928 on April Fools Day, Donald Stark has witnessed not only the drastic changes within in city, but throughout the country. A Grant High School graduate, he attended the first Portland State University, located in what was once the city of Vanport, and later graduated from the University of Oregon. After earning his law degree he spent over 60 years serving as a prominent landuse lawyer in the City of Portland. His perspective shows that of someone with endless empathy and compassion, while also having a thoughtful objectivity to the events that have occurred throughout his life. There couldn't be enough time in an episode to cover all the important things this man has to say, but here is just the beginning.