Small Law Podcast

Small Law Podcast

Ep 1 – Self Awareness is the Key to Success

January 14, 2018

Self awareness is the key to success. You must know your own strengths and weaknesses as well as your interests. Doing a personal audit can you help guide your firm toward your goals.

If you take the time each year, each quarter, or even each month, to look at where you are in relation to where you want to go, it will help you make healthy decisions for your law firm.

"If you're walking East looking for a sunset, you have a bad plan."

Making a plan for your law firm will help you stay true to who you want to be and who you want to serve. If something pops up that does not fit within the parameters of your plan or will be a distraction from your goals, you can identify the distractions and eliminate them.

I hope you enjoy Episode 1. I promise to work hard to improve these podcasts.

Follow me on twitter: @donivanflowers