Slightly Sauced

Slightly Sauced

Episode 195: A Month Worth of Email

September 15, 2014

This fortnight on SlightlySauced, we’re catching up on all of the email that has accumulated since the last time that we recorded an episode. Luckily, our fans are great, and give us plenty of material to work with. Ernie got us talking about what it means to be a Canadian citizen and the ALS Icebucket Challenge. Alex (the one from Maine, not the one on tonight’s show) left us a voicemail that tried to explain what an Atlantic North East accent is like, and offered to send us some trick beers. Chris reminded us that the zombie apocalypse is due to happen any day now and asked us what we would do to survive it, and then Ernie (again) got us looking into a documentary about pedophilia. It’s a great show, so grab a beer and give it a listen!

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How would you make out in a post apocalyptic world? Let us know