Skooma Junkies

Skooma Junkies

Skooma Junkies Pilot Episode

January 16, 2014

We’ve released our very first episode of the Skooma Junkies Podcast! You can listen to it here on our page, and within the next couple of days it should be available on iTunes, Stitcher Radio and other podcast directories. We’ll let you know when it’s available there!

This first podcast episode was great fun to make, though we did stumble through some of it. Next week will sound better, and even better the week after that, so hang in there with us! The echoing that can be heard sometimes in this episode will be gone next week, no worries!

We’d love to hear from you about the game or the show! If you want to send an email that might be read aloud on the show, message us at Let us know what you think about the show, your opinions on the game or suggest a community creation for the Fishy Stick Award of the Week. Since we just started up with podcasting, we’d love to hear any advice or feedback, tips/tricks you could offer.

Thank you for taking the time to listen, we hope you enjoyed it and will come back next week! You can follow us on our social media pages to see updates as they come:



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