February 10, 2023

ANCHOR POINTE, The Faith and Fitness Podcast
Faith, Diet, Exercise, Attitude, Positive Imagery, Music and Research

CHARLOTTE  (00:06):
This is the XBHS Radio Network.
Skip Orem (00:10):
From the Nashville Studios of the XBHS Radio Network, I'm Skip Orem and this is the Anchor Pointe podcast. Hey, everybody, welcome to the Anchor Pointe, your faith and fitness podcast, the podcast for us older folks in our fifties, sixties, seventies, and beyond, working together to live long, happy, and healthy lives. Today's episode is an introduction to heart rate training. You all know that the Anchor Pointe disease fighting and fitness model has seven elements, faith, diet, exercise, attitude, positive imagery, music, and research, and we will be focusing on that exercise element today.
And then later in the episode, we're going to look at decision making and how struggling with difficult decisions can stress us out and too much stress, it can make us sick. Thank you everybody for pushing that play button and punching up this episode of the Anchor Pointe podcast. I'm not recording this episode downtown at the XBHS Radio Studios in Nashville. Instead, this podcast episode is being recorded today at my Skip's voice home studio here in the quaint little Nashville suburban town of Nolansville, Tennessee. Nolansville sits right here on the southeast corner of the Music City. We had some technical problems last week with the website and also with the Anchor Pointe podcast feed. Many of you took the time to email me last week and let me know that you were having trouble downloading and listening to your weekly episode of the Anchor Pointe podcast.
I'm happy to say that's all been fixed now. Everything's working great, not only at website, but also the Anchor Pointe podcast feed is up and running. Send in the Anchor Pointe podcast to all of the different podcast platforms out there. So wherever you get the Anchor Pointe podcast from, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, iHeartRadio, wherever you get your podcast, we're back on and each and every episode is right there. Today's episode might run a little longer than usual, so let's get started right now with the Anchor Pointe's medical news for seniors.
Today's Anchor Pointe medical news for seniors is from an article put out by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. The article's purpose is to give tips for cancer survivors to help them during stressful times. Of course, all of us, not just cancer survivors, need to do everything we can to eliminate stress from our lives. So here are some stress reduction tips from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention to help us deal with stress. I've also added a couple of suggestions on my own. The first tip to help with stress, physical activity. Listeners to this podcast constantly hear me talk about how important physical activity is to improve not only your physical quality of life, but also your mental quality of life. Exercise is such a great stress reducer. The second tip, make sure you are sleeping right. Not getting enough sleep can lead to poor physical and mental health.
You should try to plan for a consistent bedtime and a consistent wake-up time. By the way, keep those electronics out of the bedroom. Another tip to help reduce stress, make sure you are listening to your body. If you notice any new or strange symptoms that start to appear, don't ignore them, don't continue to worry about them. Contact your doctor. It's so important, everybody, at our age to make sure we keep our doctor informed with information about what's going on with our body. If something doesn't feel right, don't sit around worrying about it. Let your doctor know about it.