December 09, 2022

ANCHOR POINTE, The Faith and Fitness Podcast
Faith, Diet, Exercise, Attitude, Positive Imagery, Music and Research

This is a computer generated transcript...and often the computer does not understand we spell Anchor Point with and E

Charlotte (00:00):
This is the XBHS Radio Network.
Skip Orem (00:03):

Hi, everybody. From Nashville, I'm Skip Orem and this is the Anchor Point Podcast. Welcome to the December 9th, 2022 episode of the Anchor Point Podcast. This entire episode today is a guided positive imagery session designed to help you deal with the stress and the anxiety that often comes along with the holiday season.
I wanted to step in and just make a couple of quick Anchor Point announcements before we start the guided imagery session, and that session will start at the three-minute mark in today's episode. If you're listening to this session for the second or even the third time, you can skip this part and go right ahead and start the session again at the three-minute time mark in today's episode.
This will be the last 2022 episode of the Anchor Point Podcast, but don't worry, we will be back on Friday, January 6th, 2023 as we start your year to get fit with Anchor Point. And if these Anchor Point guided imagery sessions like the one we're doing today are helpful for you, I want to let you know on Friday, January 13th, 2023, that Anchor Point episode will feature another guided imagery session especially designed to help you through the winter blues.
I hope you will enjoy this guided imagery session today and I hope it helps to make your holiday season just a little more stress free. And from all of us at the Anchor Point Podcast, I want to wish you and your family and your friends a very merry Christmas and the happiest of New Years. To experience this positive guided imagery session you should be alone in a comfortable space lying down or sitting in a chair and it'd be really cool if you could darken the room. And you should also be prepared to spend the next 30 to 40 minutes alone with your thoughts. If you are not ready to do this right now, you can hit the pause button and then once you've got everything ready, push the play button and enjoy this special Anchor Point guided imagery session for holiday relaxation

Skip Orem (03:00):
Close your eyes now and begin to let yourself relax. And then as you let yourself relax, begin to take some deep breaths. Deep breaths in, and then out. Deep breaths and then exhale. And as you do this, deep breaths in and then out, begin to clear your mind of everything that's going on right now. Clear your mind and let out all of that tension, let that worry and any bad thoughts, go out with the breath. Perhaps right now you're having some worry and concern about everything that's going on right now during this holiday season. Everything seems to be moving so fast and still so much to do. Recognize those feelings, and then for a few minutes, send them away. Try to clear everything out of your mind as you breathe in and out.
And think about this, there are really so many joyous things about this holiday season. Of course the most important, celebrating the birth of Jesus. But also this is the time for greeting old friends, being with family, As you continue to breathe in and out, recognize and accept, that of course sometimes this holiday season can be so overwhelming. But today, right now as you take in deep breaths and then breathe out, you're making a conscious choice to clear your mind for just a few minutes and relax.:
As you are choosing right now to breathe out your worries and your tension, for a few minutes, your mind is becoming clear and empty. And hopefully for just a few minutes,