August 17, 2022

Plans For Season 4 of Web Radio Today are Underway
WEB RADIO TODAY, The Faith and Fitness Podcast
Faith, Diet, Exercise, Attitude, Positive Imagery, Music and Research


XBHS RADIO  (00:00):

This is the XBHS Radio Network.
Skip Orem (00:19):
Hey, everybody from Nashville, I'm Skip Orem, and this is the
Web Radio Today podcast, the faith and fitness podcast for baby boomers,
us older folks in our sixties and seventies and beyond. Well, we're working real hard to stay healthy and fit, fight off diseases, and live a long, healthy, happy, and active life. This is the second of our pre-season episodes as we're getting ready to start season four of the Web Radio Today podcast. We're going to start season four in September. That's because September, well, I always think of it as a season of renewal and new beginnings, and I hope you will join me as we refocus our dedication on living healthy, happy, and long lives. That first new episode, by the way, of season four will drop on Friday, September 23rd, and then we'll have weekly episodes released every Friday.
During this episode today,
I'm going to provide you with some important medical news for seniors.
We're also going to talk about your immune system. I'll give you an update on some changes that are happening to the Web Radio Today website, and on this episode today, I have a way for you to start losing some excess weight right now while the summer is still going on.
All right then, so let's get this episode started with some medical news for seniors. New research continues to show that
a positive attitude toward growing older leads to a longer life.
One study found that people with a positive attitude as they continue to age live on average seven years longer, all other things being equal. Seven years is actually double the impact of exercising regularly and maintaining a healthy diet. A positive attitude helps us to age slower. This research also shows that people who are optimistic have better mobility. That positive attitude, everybody, it keeps you healthy. It helps you to feel less stressed when times get tough and keeping a positive attitude, it's going to help you bounce back from adversity faster. And most important, a positive attitude is going to keep your immune system functioning at a much higher level. A very simple takeaway from this important medical news for seniors, stay positive, everybody.
Just a little addendum to that medical news update, if you are a regular listener to the Web Radio Today podcast, you already know that
a positive attitude is one of the seven elements
of the Web Radio Today disease fighting and fitness model.
To keep your immune system healthy, to keep it fighting for you, killing those bad harmful cells for you, keeping them out of your body, fighting disease, those good disease fighter cells, those disease fighting warrior cells, they need your positive attitude. They need that positive attitude for motivation to keep them fighting you. You're the general, the leader. Those disease fighting cells that power up your immune system, they're your troops. Please, everybody, stay positive in everything you do.
Always, always expect a good outcome.
Keep love at the forefront of your heart. A healthy immune system thrives on that. A positive attitude and love in your heart.
I feel just so strongly that a negative attitude when bad things happen, well, bad things, they thrive on a negative attitude. They thrive on the absence of love.
If you keep worrying and predicting a bad outcome,
you're going to cause a bad outcome.
Especially at our age, everybody, we need those fighter cells in our immune system. We need them so much. We need them to be strong, so feed them with your positive attitude, your energy. Keep love in your heart.