EPISODE 74 – Why is the GOP burning $10 million? – wsg data journalist G. Elliott Morris

March 12, 2018

The show notes for Episode 74 are at

G. Elliott Morris on Twitter: @GElliottMorris

G. Elliott Morris's website: The Crosstab

The Patreon page for The Crosstab is HERE.

The 2018 Midterm Elections Forecast from G. Elliott Morris's model is HERE.

G. Elliott Morris at The Economist: Conor Lamb is likely to lose PA-18

The Good:
Sean McElwee, Jesse H. Rhodes, Brian F. Schaffner, and Bernard L. Fraga at The New York Times: The Missing Obama Millions

The Bad:
James Feigenbaum, Alexander Hertel-Fernandez, and Vanessa Williamson at The New York Times: Right-to-Work Laws Have Devastated Unions — and Democrats

Democrat Dan Haberman for Congress (MI-11) officially becomes the first campaign in Michigan to unionize

The Shrugly ¯\_(ツ)_/¯:
Democrat Gretchen Driskell supports President Trump's actions to protect American workers

Axios: Elizabeth Warren likes tariffs, too

Melissa Nann Burke The Detroit News: Lawmakers want update on watchdog’s Flint probe

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The Sit and Spin Room logo by Anne C. Savage.

Music clips
Intro music: Zoolookologie by Jean-Michel Jarre
National Anthem by Radiohead
Stereo by Pavement
Unclaimed by Mike Wagner/Total Strangers
Outro music: Complain (from the movie Bob Roberts) by David Robbins & Tim Robbins