Simply Whole Moms

Simply Whole Moms

Ep. 30 S2 Quarantine Diaries - Self Care

April 02, 2020

We’ve all got lots of time at home, but how much of it are we able to spend taking care of ourselves for a couple of minutes? We know it’s not easy for everyone and our suggestions may not be your cup of tea, but we want to encourage you to find something small that helps you feel like you’re taking care of you right now.

We don’t love throwing around the term “self care”, rather we are on board with you finding something you love to care of yourself! This episode features two conversations: one with Kara and Nicole and another with Nicole and MJ, a yoga teacher and certified meditation guide. MJ also provided a guided Yoga Nidra meditation at the end of this episode to offer you a spot of solitude in your day. You can find it around the 50 minute mark.