Simply Convivial: Organization & Mindset for Home & Homeschool

Simply Convivial: Organization & Mindset for Home & Homeschool

#086: How to have a growth mindset

March 25, 2019

Welcome to the Simply Convivial Audio Blog, where I share short, motivational pep talks I need to hear myself. Turns out homemaking, parenting, homeschooling is a harder gig than we anticipated, but here we are, determined to not grow weary in doing good but rather relying on the strength and grace of God to do our duty and even to stay cheerful.
Thanks for joining me for this episode, where we will talk about a core concept and even a hot-button topic these days: keeping a growth mindset.
A growth mindset is exactly what we need as we seek to improve not only our attitudes but also our skill in our work at home.
Let’s dig in.

Original post:

Growth Mindset for Moms

Our capacities are able to grow, but you must know and act upon that knowledge for growth to happen. It won’t happen automatically. Growth takes deliberate effort.

Are you fighting everyday to resist your inner two-year-old and learn to love what must be done? Me, too, and we are not the only ones. It’s a constant battle, but it’s one that causes us to learn and grow. It’s worth the struggle. Join Simply Convivial Membership and find community and camaraderie with likeminded women who can cheer you and spur you on in the daily work of diligence. With the anytime course material there to help you dig deeper and problem solve, the private chat community there to talk it over and troubleshoot, the weekly video session to get a mini pep talk and relevant Q&A, plus timely live course accountability & monthly topic themes.
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