Simply Convivial: Organization & Mindset for Home & Homeschool

Simply Convivial: Organization & Mindset for Home & Homeschool

#081: Children are born persons

February 18, 2019

Welcome to the Simply Convivial Audio Blog, where we grow in faithfulness, cheerfulness, and resilience, staying engaged in our life at home because it’s where God has placed us to serve. I’m Mystie Winckler, a second-generation homeschooler now classically home educating my brood of 5, ages 15 to 6. 
Today’s episode is a bite-sized piece of educational philosophy for you from Charlotte Mason on the nature of children. They are persons. As James KA Smith says, “Every pedagogy assumes an anthropology.” Or, in other words, every method of teaching is based on our idea about what a human being is and should be. 
Let’s dig in.

Original post:

Classically Charlotte: Children are born persons

Children are born as image-bearers of God, yet also subject to sin. They are not blank slates. They are not malleable, shapeless lumps of clay. They are not mere animals. They are not angels. They are people, persons, individuals, from the beginning. They are made in the divine image and are not made to be simply fodder for the economy.

And that’s it for this episode of the Simply Convivial Audio Blog. If you need a handy cheat sheet with pithy and memorable quotes to help you keep your head in the game as a homeschooling mom, then you need an Alignment Sheet.

Get started with a free attitude alignment cheat sheet that will help keep you focused on what matters:

Life is for God’s glory, not our own.

So. Repent. Rejoice. Repeat.