Perfect Brainstorm

Perfect Brainstorm

Bonus: Pokemon Legacy 0 - Johnny, Terrence, and Zef (Re-publish)

December 04, 2019

This is a relaunch of a previous set up episode for our Pokemon Legacy RPG Campaign. We figured it would be worth relaunching in case anyone needed a refresher.
After trying and failing to turn our ideas for a Pokemon region into a video game, we decide to play D&D with some Pokemon rules so we can tell our story without having to know how to make a video game.
In this episode, we set the stage for the game, further flesh out the Swatu region from episode 2, and introduce our characters we'll be playing in this ongoing series.
If this one isn't your thing, don't worry. we'll just be releasing these episodes when something happens with our regularly scheduled episodes. If there is MORE interest than we anticipate, let us know and we may split it into its own feed.