Silencio Barnes

Silencio Barnes

On Words and Actions

March 20, 2012

This is just a quick recording I did on my phone. I wanted to create a test post but couldn't think of  anything. So tonight, while at work on a cigarette break I recorded this little thing about words and actions. It's completely off the cuff and may even seem a bit incoherent. I was just rambling. I like the subject though and may revisit this theme in the future with something a bit more cohesive :)

Since I recorded it on a phone and I'm at work, I couldn't really clean it up. I downloaded a free copy of Audacity just to do a quick noise reduction and I encoded the mp3 with LameXP - both very useful and very free tools.

What I'm talking about in the audio is the difference between words and actions. About how we tend to see the words as actions and not the real actions themselves. In fact, there's a lot I'd like to say on the subject. Maybe I'll get back to this sooner than later.