Content and Conversation: SEO Tips from Siege Media

Content and Conversation: SEO Tips from Siege Media

Outreach Strategies to Combat No Responses

August 04, 2020

Hitting send and then... crickets? Listen to our outreach tips to avoid no responses.

No one likes a failed outreach campaign. Today's Content & Conversation Directors Caroline and Alex Heinz break down elements of your outreach email into three distinct parts (subject line, body email and content pitched) to help you diagnose why a pitch may have failed.

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Show Notes:

0:53: How to use open and click through rate tracking for outreach
2:19: Tips for improving your open rate
5:25: How to match your pitch to your audience
6:58: Tips for fixing a low click through rate
8:12: Our general guidelines for email pitches
9:53: How to add personality without awkwardness
12:30: How feedback can be just as important as a "no"
13:39: Where to check your content before you pitch

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Produced by Cara Brown
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