Side Hustle Secrets

Side Hustle Secrets

EP1: How To Hack Your Market

April 02, 2019

“If you’re not making the sales you want, you’re either talking to the right audience in the wrong way, or you’re talking to the wrong audience (maybe) in the right way” - Austin Dixon (4:49-4:58)Austin Dixon The Whole Truth   Your sales process is the foundation of your business. Knowing how to enter any niche market with an optimized process means you maximize your sales. You increase  your revenue and build a core audience of the people who want what you have to offer.   Most entrepreneurs start out thinking they just need to build a large audience to be successful. They look at platforms like Instagram and Facebook and think tapping into the largest number of people will lead to a highly profitable business. But it doesn’t work that way. In fact, there’s an even easier way to hack your market and start generating revenue quickly with minimal cost.     “It’s not about the size of the audience you have. It’s about the core of the audience. You don’t need hundreds of thousands of followers. You just need 1,000 true fans.” - Austin Dixon. (5:22)   The number of followers you have on any platform doesn’t always correlate with the amount of money you’ll make. Focusing on building a large audience may not be the best approach. Success comes from having the right audience. It’s about identifying a problem you can solve for that audience. Otherwise, you risk talking to the right audience in the wrong way or talking to the wrong audience in the right way.   Most entrepreneurs are familiar with the idea of acquiring 1,000 true fans. This concept emphasizes the importance of building a core audience (no matter how large or small) who will champion your brand. But finding that audience isn’t always easy. How do you gather the intelligence you need to market to them?   When you identify the problem you’re solving, ask yourself, “Is this a problem my audience needs to have solved right away?” This helps you determine if you’re speaking to them in the wrong way. If so, change your approach to match their needs. But you need to understand their pain points and objections. Learning their belief patterns is critical to hacking your market. It influences how you communicate your messages in a way that compels them to move further into your sales process.   The Webinar Marketing Hack   Webinars continue to be one of the most successful methods for online sales. They are essentially automated sales presentations that informative, engaging and last from 30 minutes to an hour, sometimes more. Webinars aim their focus at influencing the behavior of its audience so they take action.   Instead of spending hours and days crafting your message, look for the messaging that is already working. Study successful webinars to craft your own sales message in a way that’s proven to produce results. Use webinars to your advantage by following a few simple steps.   Find a proven and profitable webinar that’s being used in your niche. Obtain the video’s source URL by right-clicking on the video and copying the link. You can also find the URL in the page’s source code, which you access by right-clicking on the video and clicking “inspect” to view the page’s code. Once you’ve obtained the video’s URL, go to and have the video transcribed. You now have a powerful tool that lets you reverse engineer a successful sales message you can tailor to your products and services.   “Is the problem you solve one that your audience needs solved today? If not, you’re probably speaking to them in the wrong way.” - Austin Dixon (6:45- 6:53)   Hacking your market helps you find your core audience quickly and with minimal cost, and it’s as easy as studying someone else’s sales message.   Don’t focus on reaching the largest audience possible. Instead, build a smaller core audience with a problem that you can solve. Identify...