Shredded Brainiac: Mind Your Body | Know Your Mind

Shredded Brainiac: Mind Your Body | Know Your Mind

#017 James Northcote - The Magic of Acting

January 07, 2016

James Northcote is an actor and producer. You may have seen him in movies such as The Imitation Game. We talked about how he manages to fit in his workouts within a busy filming schedule, and to make sure his nutrition is on point. We talked about his inspiration from books and movies, the magic of acting, and how a good movie can cast a spell on you. We also touched on the sacrifices you have to make in this sort of career, and how to deal with uncertainty. James loves poetry and has a keen interest in literature, so we also talked about the books that have made the biggest impact on his life. He also outlined his goal setting strategies, and the importance of it. The 17th episode of Shredded Brainiac podcast - finding balance between fitness and the rest of your life.