The Shoulder Guy |Simple, Practical, No B.S. Shoulder Physiotherapy Advice, Training and Community

The Shoulder Guy |Simple, Practical, No B.S. Shoulder Physiotherapy Advice, Training and Community

More Workout Tips to Protect Your Shoulder in The Gym

April 06, 2013

In this episode of Shoulder Guy TV, Luke gives an update on his gym related shoulder niggle and what strategies have helped get rid of his shoulder pain in less than 21 days.
Check out these tips below:

00:32 - Don't overload an already overloaded shoulder
00:40 - How to make sure you're training pain free
00:58 - Pay particular attention to ___________
01:10 - Focus on normal shoulder movement patterns
01:25 - Shoulder muscle activation is critical
01:55 - There's no guarantee that your ______ is working.
02:20 - Best of all I am still in the gym

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Hi, it’s Luke Van Every here and welcome to another episode of Shoulder Guy TV.

Well I’m actually in the gym at the moment so I thought I’d bring you some gym tips this week.

Now you all know that I had a gym injury myself. It’s still slightly there very rarely so I think I’m really getting over it. The big reason is because I made some adjustments. I didn’t keep doing those things that were damaging my shoulder, okay, and I’m certainly not going to be overloading my shoulder like I did on that particular day when I was punching the hell out of the big heavy bag and I injured my shoulder during that workout.

I’ve made some adjustments. I’ve taken some relative rest. I’ve dropped the load back on a few exercises, and now I’m focusing on the movements, okay. I’m not trying to overload my shoulder with any particular exercise; I’m gently moving through my program. I’m making sure that its pain free.

The other thing that I’m doing is paying particular attention to how my rotator cuff is working, how my shoulder blade is functioning too. I’m focusing on movements that promote normal shoulder blade movement, okay, both in a punching and a rowing type sort of manoeuvre. I’m not trying to splint my shoulder blades. I’m actually getting them to move naturally the way they’re designed to move.

The other thing I’m doing is gently loading up the rotator cuff tissue too because that’s where I got the niggle. It was in the rotator cuff. I’m getting that muscle group to activate once more and I’m making sure that it’s activating when my arm’s by my side, when it’s sort of here roughly and also when it’s overhead. I’m incorporating my whole body into that manoeuvre, too. I’m not just standing here doing nothing, doing external rotation exercises, okay. I need to incorporate my body and I might be gently incorporating some rotator cuff activation while I’m actually a dumbbell press overhead just to make sure that my rotator cuff is actually working.

There’s no guarantee. When you get a shoulder problem, there’s actually no guarantee that when you raise your arm up that your rotator cuff, and the scapular stabiliser muscles are actually working properly for you because pain inhibits those muscles. The big thing I’ve done is to reduce my pain levels, keep my muscles active, promote movement but also then gently focus on some of the key muscles that help to stabilise my shoulder. The best thing I’ve done is I’ve stayed lifting. I’ve stayed in the gym performing my shoulder routines and my general body work outs that I love to do.

I’m back. I’m still here. I’m in the gym and you can do it too if you follow some of these tips that I’m giving you. Okay, my name’s Luke. I’m the Shoulder Guy. I hope you really happy Easter if you were in Australia, and if you’re around the world please take care and have fun in the gym.

Please comment below about your shoulder niggle: