Shoot the Breeze with Alexandre-Marie

Shoot the Breeze with Alexandre-Marie

Season 3 Episode 23 Self-confidence and phone interview with Founder of Positive Identity Velera Wilson

September 03, 2020

Join Host Alexandre-Marie as she discusses confidence, blocking out the naysayers, making an action plan, and sticking to it.  Later on, in the show, she will be joined by phone with Velera Wilson; Coach, Authur, Motivational Speaker, and Founder of Positive Identity.  Valera Wilson offers advice on starting a business, steps to take to get that promotion or raise you've been seeking, and much more. 
>>>>>Follow Host Alexandre me on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest @alexandremarie_talks.   Shop merchandise and other products on her teespring shop Indigosunrise Clothing.   Shop Hair and Skincare Products at Soleil Beauty Botanicals LLC a company that thrives to create and provide healthy, essential skincare and wellness products fashioned to improve the skin and enhance holistic health; follow on Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook @soleilbeautybotanicals.   Visit "Lots of Laughs Child Services," for information on Autism Spectrum Disorder or contact Alexandre-Maire for a consultation.   Shop or Join Alexandre-Marie's Total Life Changes Team. Join, Get Fit, Earn additional Stream of income.