Shine and Grind Show with Angeline Lawrence

Shine and Grind Show with Angeline Lawrence

Freedom of Leadership: 5-Actions to Lead Yourself

October 02, 2016

Freedom of Leadership

5-Actions to Help You Lead Yourself

Tracy Washington

Executive Leadership Advisor

We are discussing how to be a leader of yourself, on the job, in your home and the marketplace. It is difficult to lead others if you do not know how to direct yourself. Jesus Christ is our perfect example a true servant-leader who governed himself with restraint and excellence. Our guest Tracy Washington is one of the nation’s leading trainers on Relationships, Human Behavior and Leadership.  She states, “Leadership is an influence. Our position is to become someone that someone else wants to follow.”

Tracy works with mid to senior level managers to help them improve relationships with teams, upper management, and customers so that they establish trust and respect that create a culture of profitability and success for themselves and their organizations.  She also runs a coaching program entitled “Executive RoundTable for Women in Leadership” to help women leaders elevate their leadership style.

Tracy is passionate about helping individuals and corporate clients profit by experiencing better professional and personal relationships.  Ms. Washington helps women find their true passions in order to reach their full potential. She states, “A woman that can make things happen understands they have power. Some feel like an imposter, but the feeling never goes away. We must walk with it, learn how to manage it and walk in confidence. “

Her key points of learning how to lead yourself are below:

1.        Self-care is first. You can’t get anything done from a deficit. As women, we give of ourselves without giving back to ourselves. Take care of yourself so you can properly care for others.

2.        Know who you are.  Do a personal assessment so you understand your unique qualities and identity in Christ. Understand that you are more than the roles you play. Take the time to figure out who you are.

3.        Inventory the relationships around you. Evaluate everyone in your life. Are you spending time with people who don’t add value to you? Are they pouring into you are taking from you?

4.        Raise your level of success. Look at the things that you don’t have to increase your worth. Invest in classes, coaching and read to help you get to your next level of success. Look at your finances and be a good steward.

5.        Don’t compare yourself to others. Get a mirror and look at your reflection. Appreciate who you are and where you are at this moment.

You can reach Tracy Washington at her office or on social media. See the links below:

Visit her website for a free offer.


Office: (888)715-9977



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