She Who Overcomes™ Podcast

She Who Overcomes™ Podcast

64: Finding Hope in Failure {Day 30 of 30 Days of Dangerous Hope}

November 13, 2020

How do you typically handle it when you fail to meet your goal? I want to share with you how to find some hope in your failures. In true Mandy-fashion, I’m going to use my own recent failure as an example. Grab your coffee and listen in as I share a heartfelt message about finding hope in failure.

This episode is the final day of the 30 Days of Dangerous Hope Campaign. Read all 30 days here.

Be willing to face your failures. You just might find that the let downs and disappointments from them are less than the growth!~Mandy B. Anderson

Finding Hope in Failure Coaching Exercise:

Finding hope in your failure requires you to journal it out. Let’s do it together! Take out a pen and paper and draw a vertical line down the center of the page. At the top of the page, write down a recent goal that you failed to meet. Write a column on the left hand side of the vertical line titled “Let downs of this experience.” On the right hand side write a column titled “What I learned or new experiences I am proud of.” Then, set a timer for 5-10 minutes and jot down everything you can think of on both sides!

We have to be willing to look at our failures. It’s only when we do, that we can grow in wisdom, strength, and skill.~Mandy B. Anderson

Let’s hang out on Instagram!

Hey guys, thanks again for listening! I’d love to hear the takeaways that you got on today’s episode! Stop by Instagram and let’s chat! You can find my podcast page at @shewhoovercomespodcast – and my personal/coaching page at @msmandybanderson – And, I’d be so grateful if you left a review before you go. You just might hear your name and your takeaway at the beginning of next week’s episode!