SHEnanigans with Christine & Jenn

SHEnanigans with Christine & Jenn

Latest Episodes

Just The Tip
July 22, 2021

Jenn and Christine chat and laugh about their 20s, the start of careers, independence, the club scene, life and love in New York and Boston and the impact of life-altering events.

Fake ID’s and PLC’s (poor life choices); The College Years
July 08, 2021

The art of juggling classes, jobs, relationships, concerts, bad hair, parties and the inability to handle alcohol. Take a trip back to the 90s and join us for some laughs at our expense. Its sure to

Terrible, Thanks for Asking
June 23, 2021

Our first guest, Kim Redman, is a witty and charismatic Boston ER nurse who has seen it all during Covid, but also concurrently lived through a traumatic, life changing event. She has a brilliant way of telling her story which evokes raw emotion with h...

Awwkward: Shenanigans are Born
June 09, 2021

This episode revisits when Christine and Jenn meet as tweens in a small, rural town in Maine. It encompasses all the self-deprecating humor and awkwardness that accompanies coming of age.

Jenn’s Story
May 27, 2021

June 19th: A day that changed her life forever. It was a beautiful Spring day, but she intuitively knew something was terribly wrong. This was the day that changed everything; the way she lives, loves and continues to fight to defend the silver lining.

Christine’s Story
May 18, 2021

Four healthy boys.One day can change everything.This is the incredible story of the moving and tragic journey of six year old, Devin. He inspired an entire community (Devins Army) and got National

SHEnanigans Trailer
May 07, 2021

Two besties, unbelievably tragic life circumstances, who were determined to turn lemons into sunshine through positivity and inappropriate humor.
