Shenandoah Down Under

Shenandoah Down Under

Shenandoah Down Under Episode 43

August 26, 2015

As the Shenandoah continues through the Pacific on the way back to Liverpool, Captain Waddell's behaviour grows increasingly erratic, and, to quote Surgeon Lining, things are going "from worse to worst". First Lieutenant Debney Minor Scales is removed from his watch for the terrible crime of sleeping in, and then Lieutenant Cornelius Hunt is also removed from his command, because reasons. This leaves the ship so short of officers that the Captain takes a watch himself, a very bad state of affairs.

Rob and Mob then quote from Cornelius Hunt's memoirs of happier times before the end of the war, when the Shenandoah captured the Abigail and it's tremendous quantity of alcohol. On that occasion Captain Nye of the Abigail asked why the Shenandoah was so far north, and got the following reply:

"Why, the fact of the business is, Captain," replied the officer, facetiously, " we have entered into a treaty offensive and defensive with the whales, and are up here by special agreement to disperse their mortal enemies."

What pretty sentiments from men now driven to bickering and fighting. Will the officers of the Ship pull themselves together? Find out in this weeks episode of Shenandoah Down Under.