

Latest Episodes

The Trials of Madeleine Smith
March 08, 2023

What if you are found neither innocent nor guilty?

The Death Of The Country House
February 22, 2023

A most golden age murder.

A Detective's Farewell
February 08, 2023

How do you say goodbye to a long-running character?

The Mysterious Dorothy Bowers
January 25, 2023

She wrote five successful murder mysteries and then vanished without a trace.

The Advertising Adventures of Dorothy L. Sayers
January 11, 2023

She created Lord Peter Wimsey and also some excellent slogans about mustard.

Let It Snow (Replay)
December 13, 2022

Snow is a very powerful tool for a detective novelist. It can create a sinister atmosphere, keep suspects and murderer stormbound, and preserve the footprints of anyone who dares to escape. What could

November 29, 2022

Invert everything you know about murder mysteries.

Clerical Crimes
November 15, 2022

Why do murder mysteries contain so many vicars?

The Shedunnit Centenary
November 01, 2022

In which Caroline is the guest, not the host.

The Kidnap of Elizabeth Canning
October 18, 2022

Theres a dark story connecting this 18th century abduction with a 20th century crime novel.