Shea in Irving's Podcast

Shea in Irving's Podcast

America’s New Ally in the Fight Against Science

December 09, 2015

First, the volume is fucked again, hopefully I was able to fix it. If not, Shea was urinating during the first few minutes of the podcast. After zipping up, our fearless leader laments his difficulties with the IRS, and toots the horn of the entrepreneur. If any of you don't know, Shea is a small business owner, and therefore is the foremost authority on any subject, especially economics and race relations.

Hammer and Butter turn right to headlines, which are originally meant to include Texas A&M, MLB offseason trades and Shea asks Hammer to remind him to talk about Danny Kannel later on in the podcast. Twenty minutes later, they finally end, temporarily, their discussion of America's fearless ally against science and the liberal media's attack on football. The two attempt to bring fact into the discussion, such as the double digit numbers of high schoolers who have died on the field this year, and the dozen(s) of our football heroes who have taken their own life, or ruined with drugs and alcohol (a proven side-effect of traumatic brain injury). At some point, Shea refers to the Wall Street Journal's Op/Ed section as, "a salacious rag that William F. Buckley would wipe his ass with."
***As a sidebar, the two images used here, one for the title/feature, the other as the podcast player image, are the only two images of Danny Kannel getting tackled on the entirety of the internet. So no, I'm sure he doesn't believe in concussions in the NFL, because he didn't play enough to get his head bashed in like everyone else.

The dynamic duo spend the next 20-30 minutes talking SEC football, and specifically how bad it is. They go through some bowl predictions, and talk about high school/college/pro QBs, and why Alabama doesn't have any.

That's all I have time for.

See y'all next week.