Best Worst Club- Endometriosis Life

Best Worst Club- Endometriosis Life

Latest Episodes

Moving Towards Acceptance in the Grief Cycle
May 26, 2021

The chronic illness grief cycle is intense, weaving in and out of the stages with no finish line in sight. It becomes exhausting and so heavy to carry on your own. Tune into this episode for some compassion, understanding, and try out a coping skill that

Manifesting money when you’re chronically sick... and broke
October 16, 2020

We can’t talk honestly about endometriosis without talking about money. Every part of living with endo cost money and the Instagram-able version of manifesting just isn’t very relatable when you live with a chronic illness. Let’s talk about how we can tak

Living with Endometriosis in an ableist society- The Toxic Healing Culture
October 09, 2020

We’ve been having this on-going conversation all week on Instagram, about the underlying message in the self healing culture. The one that implies we just need this next thing to be “fixed” or that we must be holding on to some past wounds because we’re s

Is it your responsibility to heal? When endometriosis starts feeling like your own fault.
October 02, 2020

The dominant narrative around treating endometriosis is that it’s the warrior’s responsibility to heal and reach remission. This disease is so misunderstood and the quality of health care is so reliant on one’s ability to advocate for themselves. We have

Radical Acceptance in the Midst of Chronic Illness Guided Meditation
September 18, 2020

This is Part 1 of a 4 Part Module Guided Meditation series to help you cope with multiple aspects of living with endometriosis. Flare ups are draining, dealing with a disease that is incurable is exhausting, and none of it comes with a roadmap directing y

Endo Rituals- How to create joyful moments in the midst of flares
August 31, 2020

Living with endometriosis, a condition that cause chronic pain, has a way of stealing your joy. It can be difficult to find something to looking forward to in the midst of flares. But you don’t deserve to live like this! In this episode I share some of my

Showing up in the midst of a flare- Sometimes it just sucks
May 29, 2020

In this mini episode I show up in the midst of an Endometriosis flare. Do you ever feel like your illness is only accepted when you’re inspiring? Well I say it’s day like this, when this is all you’ve got and you still give it, is when you’re inspiring th

Acceptance and the Chronic Illness Grief Cycle- How to accept reality to lessen your suffering
May 22, 2020

How can you accept your reality even though you still want to change it? --- Support this podcast:

Take Back your Power- Mediation for Endo Excision Surgery
May 15, 2020

Welcome to the relaunch of the She Sesh Podcast! In this episode I’ll share a little about my personal battle against endometriosis and how it’s led me to creating a business and lifestyle to keep me thriving despite my diagnosis! I know that I can help y

Episode 7: Doubt, dismissal, and diagnosis- How to beat the 10 year endometriosis average
July 01, 2019

One of the most common themes I see in the Endo community is this Apiphany moment connecting all these symptoms and past experiences that never made sense until endometriosis was mentioned. On average it takes 7 to 10 years to receive a proper Endo diagno
