Latest Episodes

Why You AREN'T Happy + What To Do About It
January 14, 2020

Episode #102: Today I want to discuss a major issue that I see in this world today. Happiness. We are exposed to so many incredible opportunities, yet we are constantly unhappy? Is it because of social media? Is it the pressure? What is the reason? Everyo

3 Self Care Tips for BUSY People
January 09, 2020

Episode #101: Thank you all so much for listening to another episode of the SHE DID IT podcast. Today I am giving you 3 tips on how to make time for self care when you are a super busy person like myself. Taking time for self care each day can help you to

How To Follow Your Intuition Feat. Spiritual Wellness Coach, Lindsay Schroeder
January 07, 2020

Episode #100: Have you ever had that feeling in the pit of your stomach telling you whether or not something was a good/bad idea? That's your gut feeling and there are many ways to detect what your gut feeling is trying to tell you! I am joined by Lindsay

How To Be LESS Critical Of Ourselves & Get Further In Life
January 02, 2020

Episode #99: We can be so hard on ourselves, right? I know that I can. But, it’s important to learn how to cope and it really comes down to mindset. That’s why I am going to be sharing how I cope with self criticism and I know that you are all going to fi

Tips To Avoid Getting BURNT OUT In Life + Business
December 31, 2019

Episode #98: Have you ever felt burnt out in life or in business? The good news is that it is totally normal and there are preventative steps that you can put in place to avoid burning out! When you create better habits and routines, you set yourself up f

Let's Talk Stress: How To Reduce STRESS Immediately
December 26, 2019

Episode #97: I have been extremely stressed lately. It’s been one of those weeks, you know? I put a lot of pressure on myself and I kind of feel like an expert in the stress department at this point. So, I wanted to talk about it and share what I do when

Neil Patel: Why You MUST Make Mistakes + How To Be Strategic On Social Media
December 24, 2019

Episode #96: Today is an amazing episode because I have the one and only Neil Patel here for a HE DID IT episode! He is sharing his journey, talking about social media in 2019, failure and the importance of learning from you mistakes. I have been inspired

How To Breakdown + Overcome Your Fears Feat. Ivana Katz
December 19, 2019

Episode #95: We ALL have fears in life, but how do we overcome them to achieve our fullest potential? Fear is normal and you are going to learn some valuable tactics on how to not only approach fear, but overcome it. Sometimes we need to take a step back

Hookup Culture + Sexual Wellness Feat. Jennifer Litner
December 17, 2019

Episode #94: Today I am speaking with Sexologist, Jennifer Litner. We are talking about all things sex, the hookup culture and sexual wellness. Get ready to learn about how to improve not only our relationships, but our sex lives. Jennifer Litner is a sex

How To Knock Down Limiting Beliefs + Breaking Societies Norms Feat. Sheedia Jansen
December 12, 2019

Episode #93: Today I am speaking with Sheedia Jansen about knocking down limiting beliefs, pushing through our fears, breaking down societies norms and why money doesn't equal happiness. Sheedia is truly an inspiration and has a powerful and impactful sto
