Latest Episodes

How To Gain Confidence As An Entrepreneur Feat. Carina Glover
December 10, 2019

Episode #92: Today we are talking about women supporting women in business, the competitiveness and how to gain confidence as an entrepreneur. We are opening up and talking about the reality of the business world and how we can learn to improve our own se

How To Make Fear Your Homeboy Feat. Judi Holler
December 05, 2019

Episode #91: How many times have you let fear stop you in your tracks? It's natural. It's normal. We have all done it at one point or another! But, how do we push through fear and keep moving forward no matter what comes our way? Today, we are going to be

Why We Don't Start + How To Instantly Make That Change
December 03, 2019

Episode #90: Have you ever wanted to make a change or start something new in life, yet something seems to be in the way or blocking you? Maybe it's a job or maybe it's a lifestyle change. Starting can be one of the most difficult aspects. I am packing thi

Become HAPPIER w/ These 8 EASY Self Love Tips
November 28, 2019

Episode #89: Self love is CRUCIAL for living a happier and more fulfilling life. Often times, people think that it is selfish to take time for themselves, but if you don't, you end up becoming burnt out, drained, tired and unable to be the best version of

How To Figure Out What You Want In Life + Ignoring The Pressure Of Society
November 26, 2019

Episode #88: How are we supposed to know what we are meant to do in life? ESPECIALLY at such a young age. It's pretty crazy, right? There is an insane amount of pressure around our future and that doesn’t help us achieve true happiness. So, I want to talk

Create The Life You Want In 5 Steps
November 21, 2019

Episode #87: It's easy to talk about what we want in life and ways to figure it out, and it's another to take action. That is why I am walking you through 5 actionable steps to help you create the life you love. I've found that when we break it down, it b

Feeling Uninspired? Here Are Tips To Get INSPIRED!
November 19, 2019

Episode #86: Do you ever lack inspiration or creativity? I know... it's the worst! BUT, the good news is that there are ways to gain that momentum back! Today we are talking all about how to get INSPIRED. As a creative, there are times where I lack inspir

Feeling Overwhelmed? Try These 6 Tips!
November 14, 2019

Episode #85: Today’s episode is one that hits home for a lot of people. I don’t know about you, but I can get super overwhelmed. Between being the CEO of two full time businesses, family, my boyfriend and just life, it can get exhausting, but it doesn’t h

6 Dating Tips To Help You Find Your Soulmate
November 12, 2019

Episode #84: Today I am talking all about DATING 101 and giving you 6 effective steps and thoughts when it comes to finding your person. I've been in a relationship with Pedro for 5 years now, which has taught me a lot. I want to share with you my insight

This Is Why Questioning Yourself Is RUINING Your Future
November 07, 2019

Episode #83: Have you ever questioned yourself or your ability to take action on an idea or decision? You are not alone! Today, I am going to be sharing why questioning yourself will ruin your future, a real life story and tips to overcome YOU and reach t
