Know the Name with Sharon Lynn Wyeth

Know the Name with Sharon Lynn Wyeth

KTN: Avis Attaway - The Image Maker

August 28, 2019

Dr. Avis Attaway, Speaker, Author and Performance Success
Strategist has helped thousands of people reach their goals in
business and in life. She is the author of The Image Maker:
Transforming Your Life from the Inside Out. She has had a thriving
practice as a Marriage and Family Therapist for over 25 years. And
in 2008, she founded and became the Executive Director of a non-
profit therapist training center which offers affordable counseling
to her community.

Understanding the blocks to success and how people can
permanently change at the deepest level has been a driving force in
Avis’ career and life. Her expertise in human behavior and
motivation is rooted in her many thousands of hours spent helping
clients and informed by her doctorate in clinical psychology. She
also trained in hypnotherapy and other healing energy modalities,
and is a Reiki Master and shamanic practitioner.
Avis’ mission is to help individuals achieve freedom from their
self-imposed limitations and to discover their core self so that they
can live out their true purpose and potential.