Sharing Your Faith Radio

Sharing Your Faith Radio

Latest Episodes

Acts 8:9-25
March 24, 2020

Simon the Sorcerer - Multitudes of both men and women believed and were baptized. Then we come to one of the more controversial passages in the book of Acts. We see the profession of faith by Simon the Sorcerer,

Acts 8:1-8
March 17, 2020

Christ is Preached in Samaria Stephen is buried by devout men. On the heels of severe persecution led by Saul, the disciples were scattered everywhere preaching the Word. Philip preaching the Gospel into Samaria, with signs and wonders following,

The Itinerant Evangelist
March 09, 2020

In 1 Samuel 7:15-17 we see that Samuel went on a circuit to different cities judging Israel before returning to home in Ramah. We also will be looking at the same aspect in Jesus, Philip, and Paul. This half-hour episode will focus on being a itinerant...

Acts 7:37-60
March 07, 2020

The Stoning of Stephen Continuing with Stephen's discourse on Israel’s history we see it come to a climax when he brings the allegations of the death of Jesus to the Jewish nation. The response of course is not taken well,

Acts 7:1-36
March 02, 2020

Stephen Discourse on Israel’s History - Instead of Stephen defending himself of false accusations, he begins a long discourse on Israel’s history with a lot of focus on Moses. I have included an excerpt from a song,

Acts 6:7-15
February 24, 2020

Stephen Accused of Blasphemy - He He was full of the Holy Spirit and did miracles. Like all effective ministries it came under attack from those who made false accusations, stretching the truth, and thus putting Stephen before the council.

Acts 6:1-6
February 17, 2020

Seven Chosen to Serve - The widows being neglected was the cause for the Apostles to have the disciples choose 7 men to appoint over the business of the practical needs of the Church. Although not actually called deacons most believe this is the first ...

Acts 5:17-42
February 10, 2020

Apostles Arrested Again - Gamaliel’s Advice The Apostles were arrested again and escaped prosecution twice, once by an angel and once by Gamaliel’s advice. Peter preaching the Gospel before the Sanhedrin. The council's threats not to preach or teach in...

Where Did Our Boldness Go?
February 06, 2020

We take a look at the current state of the church as it pertains to our witness in evangelism. Have we substituted programs for power, invitations to church events for going into all the world and preaching?

Acts 5:1-16
February 01, 2020

Being filled with the Holy Spirit which then produces new converts, boldness for witnessing, and unity - sharing all things in common. Then looking at the notorious couple, Ananias & Sapphira drawing the conclusion that their sin was hypocrisy as they ...