Sharing Sanity

Sharing Sanity

Latest Episodes

Are you secretly addicted to fear and anxiety? [SS021]
November 18, 2015

So many folks guide their lives by fear. We are wired to think that this is keeping us safe. It’s not. You know that 99% of what you worry about each day never comes true. And yet, fear holds you… or do you hold onto it?

Interview: Kiran and Bentinho Massaro [SS020]
November 12, 2015

This week on the Sharing Sanity podcast, we’re featuring a conversation between myself and Bentinho Massaro. The audio in the podcast was taken from this YouTube video, published in 2012:

The secret to healing emotional baggage [SS019]
November 04, 2015

Your world is a mirror of your inner life. If the reflections in your mirror are challenging and painful, it is primarily a reflection of tension within you.

How to be centered and calm if the unexpected turns your life around! [SS018]
October 29, 2015

When life explodes and the unexpected hits, how do you navigate from a calm and centered place? Here are the best tools for finding calm in the storm!

Making big decisions; how best to navigate feeling split! [SS017]
October 25, 2015

I don’t know about you, but when I have a big decision to make, especially one that involves a bunch of pressure, its not always easy to know which way to go. And I hear from you guys all the time that it can be really hard to know when you’re feeling ...

Ambiguity Sucks...Four steps out of the mess! [SS016]
October 08, 2015

Ambiguity is an awful way to move through life! Here are four great steps to get out of it ASAP!

How to enjoy your favorite shows without accidentally indulging your pain [SS015]
October 01, 2015

NCIS? Game of Thrones? Battle Star Galactica? Dexter? Fun stuff or painful indulgence? How to enjoy your favorite shows without indulging your pain!

The quickest route to inner peace, no matter what is happening! [SS014]
September 24, 2015

The fast route to finding peace no matter what is happening!

Numbers game? Don't believe it. [SS013]
September 22, 2015

Have you heard this advice? It’s just a numbers game. In sales, in love, in your attempts to make your dreams come true. It’s a lie. It’s not just a numbers game. It was never a numbers game, and it never will be. Because it’s a karma game.

Repressed Memories? [SS012]
September 09, 2015

Its hard to know what to do if your memory is blanking. Repressed childhood memories can haunt you with questions. Is it fact or fiction? Here is some mystic support to help sort it all out.