Shape Shifting with Lisa Bonnice

Shape Shifting with Lisa Bonnice

Shape Shifting: When is it time to ask for help? - Feb 05,2014

February 05, 2014

I don't know about you, but I'll push myself really hard before I will ask for help. Sometimes I have to actually collapse before I'll admit that I can't do something. There's nothing wrong with pushing your limits. It is, after all, what life is all about. It's what we're here for--it's how we create our own reality. But once in a while, things fly out of alignment because we push too hard. Or are we pushing too hard because things flew out of alignment? Chicken/Egg? In any case, this is what we'll be talking about this week. Tune in. SHAPE SHIFTING = The conscious, deliberate release of old thought patterns, to create healthy changes in your body. This usually results in weight balancing--loss or gain--depending on your body's needs.