Shake it Off Cast!

Shake it Off Cast!

Overcoming our Resistance to Weight Loss - Episode 064

October 03, 2013
Diet Talk:

This week I weighed in at 228.6 which is 1.2 lbs. or .54 kg. which is not really a big deal.  I did have some issues with willpower and binge eating, but rather than focusing too much and feeling like a “failure” I’m actually pleased that I stayed below 230 lbs.  I’m starting to feel that this is possibly just where my body will settle itself.  I’m not totally giving up on losing weight, but I am going to make a change in direction in the way that I eat; which is eating more.  Yes, I’m actually increasing my calories by 300 to see if that changes my desire to binge eat during the evenings and to see if it starts to move the scale.  After doing a bit of research last week I’ve concluded that my body not getting enough calories could be the reason that I’ve been at somewhat of a standstill.

The downside of this is that I am now aiming for 244 grams of protein, which seems like quite a bit.  I’ve discovered that this much protein can cause some embarrassing problems with gas, bloating, and constipation depending on the kind of protein that I take in.  If I stick to non-dairy protein (i.e. meat or soy) then I don’t have any issues.  However, if I take in quite a bit of dairy then I start to feel some of the effects set in.  To combat this I’ve increased my dosage of Aminogen in order to help my body break down the protein more easily.

I’m also not too pleased about how I handled this past week’s cheat day.  As soon as I got home from the gym I feel like I started eating and never stopped.  From now on I’m going to make an active effort to focus on a cheat meal rather than a cheat day.  While I would love to eat with wild abandon it’s just counter productive to my goals; so I’m going to confront my inner-child and get over it.

Gym Talk:

I’ve changed up my routine so that I’m doing a further combination of 5/3/1 and Bigger, Leaner, Stronger so that I’m doing a bit more in the gym.  The time hasn’t increased that much for each day, but the effort is more.  The difference is now that each day involves 2 core lifts (broken up between upper body and lower body) instead of one and a few more sets on certain days.  I’m taking this time to concentrate more on form and strengthening weaker areas.

Main Topic: Overcoming our Resistance to Weight Loss

I was listening to a podcast episode from Michael Hyatt called “How to Overcome the Resistance” which focused on how we all seem to have that “resistance” inside us that keeps us from moving forward in our lives.  In his case it was writing and publishing his first book (which ended up being a New York Times best seller) which he kept putting off due to some fear and uncertainty.  In the end he overcame the resistance and became the accomplished author, podcaster, and blogger that he is today.  And as Michael points out this not only pertains to writing, but any project that you might have including bettering yourself through nutrition and exercise. As I’ve heard a number of podcasts on this subject lately I thought it would be good to discuss this resistance, relate how I still encounter it, and how to apply Michael’s suggestions on how to overcome the resistance.

We all have an internal dialog that will do its best to undermine us and our goals, but we must do our best to remove the doubt, the fear, and the uncertainty; realizing that we are all capable of accomplishing our goals.  This will require a lot of internal analyzing; reconfiguring of our outlooks on life and ourselves; but it is essential to accomplishing our goals and having a more fulfilling life.


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