Thirteen and Out

Thirteen and Out

Thirteen and Out EP-012

May 25, 2015

We talk about Jade Helm 15, what it is and what Eric has seen on the tracks near him. Eric also talks about Phrog Brew, the beer he brews. We recorded this live on Google Hangouts Live. So there are a few links to check out so you can follow along. We did a pretty good job of explaining what is on screen. So you don't really need the links but they will help understand what being talked about. Around 11min 30 sec we start talking about the military power point in .PDF format. Around the 19 min mark we talk about a liberty beacon article on Jade Helm 15. At the 1hr 7 min and 30 sec mark Eric talks about the beer he brews and the Facebook Community page for it. Check it out and give him a like. I also talked about an organization called the oath keepers. They are an organization of current and former service members that uphold the the oath of office I have been talking about for the last few episodes. Here is a list of links for more things Jade Helm related. These links were sent to me and Eric from a fellow Marine that attends school Eric. Some of the links are not about Jade Helm 15 but have relative information to it. Lets get a discussion going on the web site about this and any other subject you would like to here/talk about. Anyone who wants to be on the show send my an email or post a comment on the site( As I have time I will be updating the site. I'm also toying with the idea of starting a spin off show just talking about the constitution and the amendments. Let us know what you think of that idea.