Thirteen and Out

Thirteen and Out

Thirteen and Out EP-009

April 25, 2015

The United States Marine Corps was founded in a Tavern. The enlistment bonus was a pint of beer. Today I have my two friends Mer and Eric Christensen on with me talking about brewing beer, wine and meed. We also discuss use of a cell phone while driving and a few other odds and ends. They will be back on in a few episodes to talk about gun control and all things gun related. We had set out to record both topics in one sitting. We recorded it all on Google Hangouts on Air and when it came time for guns there was a lot of show and not so much tell. Not his fault we had planned on releasing it as a video podcast but I had a brain fart and some how deleted the video. So we will rerecord it at a later date and try to keep it under 6hr and 21mins. I think an hourish is long enough.