Thirteen and Out

Thirteen and Out

Thirteen and Out EP-008

April 16, 2015

In this episode I revisit the budget and how parts of the government play tricks to keep their budget levels up. In an article named "The IRS Spent Lots of Cash on Office Furniture and Toys" at The American Spectator, they talk about a letter Sen. Orrin Hatch sent to the head of the IRS. Asking why the need billions of dollars added to their budget when they buy office furniture in Sept and buy toys to comfort people in their office for audits.
Also I went to let everyone know that this Friday, April 17 2015, at 5pm we will be recording live on Google Hangouts On Air. The way this works is up to 10 people will be talking and when someone is down they can back out and let someone else in. While an unlimited number of people can watch the live stream. The live stream will be available here and at the Hang Out itself. It is also automatically posted to YouTube and I will record the audio and release it as the podcast as normal. This way you all can get you opinion out there and You don't have to listen to me rant by myself. 
One other little note please post comments on this website, call or sent an email. I have been getting comments but there all in texts from friends or in person. If you post them then others can join in the conversation also, that is why I'm doing this. To start the conversation and well I like talking to someone other then the voices in my head. Just kidding, theirs enough of them I just listen.
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comment here on the site and/or iTunes