7 Days of Gaming

7 Days of Gaming

24 Nov – 1 Dec 2016: The PREMIERE EPISODE!

December 01, 2016

Week of 24 Nov - 1 Dec, 2016

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* Germany has lifted its ban on Red Faction after 15 years. Publisher THQ Nordic announced the FPS will be removed from the list Germany keeps on media considered harmful to young people. Although the German version's violence had been tuned down, when the game released in 2003 the board that manages the list still determined it to be detrimental to people under 18. Red Faction is due to be re-released soon.
* Chris Taylor of Total Annihilation and Supreme Commander fame has left his position as general manager at Wargaming Seattle to open a new indie studio. Taylor was a founder of Gas Powered Games in 1998, an RTS studio that eventually closed in 2013.
* Saints Row IV has added Steam Workshop support. The 2013 game already had an active modding community, but Volition, the game's developer, say the new workshop integration will "allow mods to work together without the need for running special tools".
* Another game getting Workshop support is Rocket league. The update will come in December,and more details are expected to be released soon.
* Lego City Undercover, previously relegated to the Wii U, is being ported to PC for a steam release. The game has been described as a "kid-safe version of GTA", and parodies 70's cop movies and TV shows. The PC version will be remastered and come out in Spring 2017, four years after its original release.
* The Street Fighter 5 stage Skies of Honour will not be used in the Capcom Cup 2016 nor the Capcom Pro Tour by order of Capcom itself. The company is banning the stage from competition based on it being too "visually distracting", as the fight takes place on the wings of an aircraft twisting and turning around a city skyline. It is the second stage to be banned this year.
* The Steam Autumn Sale ran this week, with between 12,000 and 13,000 games on sale.
* Steam has also announced its first "Steam Awards" to be held at the end of the year, with eight categories ranging from the "I'm Not crying, There's Something In My Eye" award to the "Best Use of a Farm Animal". Players can vote on their favorite games for each category, submit their own category, and level up a badge with each action.
* Microsoft has announced you will be able to stream games from your XBox One through your PC to the oculus rift through the Windows 10 Xbox app. The games will be projected onto a massive screen in three different surroundings within the Rift, and the service will be available for free on December 12.
* GameStop has announced its third quarter sales are down by 2.8%, somethign they predicted earlier this month. New hardware sales suffered the most, with a 20.6% drop compared to last year, as well as new software sales dropping 8.6%. Digital game sales have grown, however, with an 11.8% increase, as did collectibles sales which were up 37.3%. The biggest rise was seen in tech brands, which rose by 54.4%. The net earnings for this quarter came to 50.8 million dollars, 5.1 million less than this time last year.
* Early Access Sci-Fi MMO Project Genom has been removed from the Steam Store and then reinstated after a disagreement between the Russian studio and an out-of-country programmer. The programmer, Belgian Artem Stekhnovskii (Stek-n-ovhski) was fired after the studio claimed he had not completed any of the work assigned to him for that month. Stekhnovskii claims he was fired because of a combination of the company's unexpected earnings in the hundreds-of-thousands range and the 10% profits share they had promi