Setting The Tone™

Setting The Tone™

Where Was God? [Setting The Tone Radio LIVE]

June 21, 2015

It was a dismal Wednesdayat the Emanuel A.M.E. Church in Charleston, South Carolina, where Rev. Clementa C. Pinckney, pastor, and eight other members lost their lives to senselss violence. Our conversation will focus on several aspects of this hideous hate crime. We want you to tell us your candid opinions. Honestly:

When do blacks stop turning the other cheek?
What’s with the confederate flag in 2015?
What logical biblical explanation can come from this?

As we’ve asked before, what sort of country do we live in???

Join The Cool Chick, Big Izzy and guest host Storm for another live podcast to discuss racism in America, Christianity and homeland terrorism.

About STT Radio aka "WSTT"

With thousands of listeners, we aim to discuss just about any and everything under the sun. Our hosts are full of laughter and comedy but we also hit the tough controversial topics. Most importantly, you can always call 646-200-0246 and state your thoughts and opinions.

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