The Sensible Project Manager Podcast

The Sensible Project Manager Podcast

SPM 021 | Networking to Promote your Project Management Career

January 22, 2015

Effective networking can increase your ability to deliver your project as well as further your project management career. In this episode I discuss what networking is and share suggestions on how to promote your career by building relationships with others in the field.
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What is networking?

Networking is establishing and maintaining informal relationships with people
whose acquaintance or friendship could bring advantages such as job or business
Isn't it the essence of what a project manager does? We communicate.

Why Network?

Studies have shown that 50% of all available job openings are not advertised. Some studies show that number to be as high as 80%.

Networking within your project
Some of the most important networking you can do is within your own organization. As project managers we have a natural opportunity to network while we are leading projects.

We network with many people during a project such as:

Team members
Across disciplines

Networking during a project provides great benefits in a couple of different ways.

On the Project

Effective networking improves your ability to deliver the scope of the project.

Your Career

Relationships you develop during the project will help you further your career.
Your ability to network within a project often impacts the next project you are assigned.

Favorite Networking methods
There are several ways we can network. Here are some of my favorite methods to network .

Person to person (face to face)

Project Management Events

PMI Local Chapters

Attend chapter meetings and other events.
Volunteer to be on the chapter board.

Training Classes


PMI's LIM (Leadership Institute Meeting)
PMI Global Congress

Lunch / Restaurants

Meet with others at for lunch at your favorite restaurant.

How about social media?


Join one of the many project management communities on LinkedIn.
Connect with Mark Phillipy on LinkedIn.


Join the Sensible Project Manager Hangout Community.


Connect with Mark on Twitter as @SensiblePM.
Join in on the weekly #PMChat each Friday at noon eastern time.


There are many project management communities on Facebook.

Please leave a comment below about networking methods you have found effective in your project management career.
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If you have a question about anything that was discussed in this episode you can ask the question right now using voice-mail. Just select the "Send Voice-mail" button on the right side of the screen.

Also, I would love to hear your thoughts about future topics for the podcast or any other way I can help you in your Project Management career.  Just leave me a voice-mail and I may feature your question or comment in a future episode.
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