The Sensible Project Manager Podcast

The Sensible Project Manager Podcast

CAPM14 | Hints to help you prepare to take the CAPM Exam - Preparing for the CAPM

October 31, 2014

Terri Echegoyen passed her CAPM exam! In this session Terri and Mark Phillipy finish the project mentoring series Preparing for the CAPM and share hints to help you prepare to take the CAPM exam. This is the fourteenth session in the mentoring series where you can prepare to take the exam yourself.

If you missed the first session, go back and start with the first in the series CAPM01 Introduction to Project Management.

Listen to the Podcast

Celebrate with Terri and Mark and learn as we discuss hints and lessons learned from Terri’s exam preparation.

Schedule Your Exam

If you have not yet scheduled to take your exam, I encourage you to do so today. I found as I prepared to take the PMP exam, once I scheduled my exam, that commitment increased my focus and helped be be prepared. So…go schedule for your exam right now.

Tell me when you pass your exam!

I hope that you have enjoyed this series and that it has helped you prepare for the CAPM exam. I would love to share in your success as you take the exam. Please go to Project Mentoring here on and let me know when you pass the exam.


I enjoyed this series so much I have decided to put together something that will help project managers prepare for the PMP exam. Look for future announcements about this!

New Project Manager Series

With this series coming to a close, I am looking for a new project manager or someone who wants to become a project manager to start a new mentoring series. The new series will be slightly different than this one. To find out about more check out this link: New Project Manager Search.

Share with your friends

If you are enjoying this series and it is helping you prepare for either the CAPM or PMP exam I would ask that you please share this with a coworker or friend. I am very interested in sharing this series with as many project managers as possible.

Thank you for sharing!

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