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Selfish for Success: Entrepreneur | Business | Psychology | Self Esteem | Happiness | Health

SFS 068: Procrastination – How to Stop It

August 29, 2018

Everyone procrastinates. But when it becomes chronic or stops you from performing tasks required to move towards your dreams and goals, it can have a devastating impact on your life.

Today, I reveal what causes procrastination, and the most effective strategies for overcoming it so it doesn't stop you from creating the life you want.

Episode highlights:

The 3 main causes of procrastination
How procrastination can literally KILL you
Why sometimes it's GOOD to procrastinate
Procrastination is just a form of AVOIDANCE
7 ways to STOP procrastinating
The first question to ask yourself when you're procrastinating

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Resources Mentioned

SFS 039: How to Stop Beating Yourself Up

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