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Selfish for Success: Entrepreneur | Business | Psychology | Self Esteem | Happiness | Health

SFS 067: The Fear of Making Decisions (And How to Conquer It)

August 15, 2018

Life consists of making decisions, small and big, every day. If you have fear or difficulty making decisions, it can cripple and inhibit your ability to accomplish your goals and be happy.

WHY do so many people fear making decisions? The main reason is they fear making the WRONG decision. But that's not even the real fear.

Today, I talk about what really drives the fear, and give you 6 keys for becoming good at making decisions.

Episode highlights:

The 4 fears underlying the fear of making the wrong decision
The clearer you are about what you want, the easier it is to make decisions
Making decisions is about YOUR values and knowing what’s good for you
Why knowing the HIERARCHY of your values makes making decisions much easier
Making decisions is an art AND a science
Focus on making the best choice rather than avoiding making the wrong one
How a quote from a rock song can relieve your anxiety about making decisions
An EMPOWERING way to think about decisions

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