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Selfish for Success: Entrepreneur | Business | Psychology | Self Esteem | Happiness | Health

SFS 065: Should You Give Up Your Dreams For Others?

July 25, 2018

One of my email subscribers, a 20-year-old named Muskaan, emailed me in response to an email I sent out about "Why it's so hard to put yourself first" (you can read his full email below). It raised some big questions for him. Like, should we give up our dreams for others?

When he was 12, Muskaan gave up his dream of being a tennis player to please his father who wanted him to focus more on his studies. Later, Muskaan gave up his dream of being an artist, also for his father.

This is an issue almost everyone struggles with, and it's one reason I started this podcast--to provide some clear and rational answers to these types of questions.

Today, I respond to the question of whether should you give up your dreams for others.

Episode highlights:

Why giving up your dreams for ANYONE is the worst thing you can do
Why would someone else's happiness depend on you giving up your dreams?
Giving up your dreams leads to unhappiness, dissatisfaction, and resentment (if done for someone else)
School shouldn't be the only value for a child
Why the most important part of childhood should be figuring out what you LOVE
How you can put someone else first (while you're also putting YOURSELF first)
People who love you should SUPPORT your dreams 100% (NOT ask you to give them up)

Muskaan's email:

Hello Dr. Orma ,

I appreciate you and your kind words.

But I've a question for you. It'd be much appreciable if you could help me with this question. In this email you said that we've been taught that a good person is someone who puts others first and himself or herself last . So I wanted to ask you that , is it bad to put others first?

And another thing, yes it is true and I appreciate your word that no one has ever come up with a rational justification for why we should give up on our dreams for others. According to me, we'd give up our dreams for those who we love and everyone loves their respectful family.

Sometimes in our lives, there comes a point where you need to give up on your dreams. For the better understanding and explanation, here are my few words which are related to my life .

I gave up on my dreams when I was around 12 or 13 years old. I love to play tennis back then. I was always play tennis with my brother and sister but one day..... I stopped playing tennis because of my father. He wanted me to focus on my studies for the better future . Yes, it is good thing that he cares about me a lot and he always wants my best.

I also had my interest in art and craft too. I always wanted to become a good artist but.....again because of my father i gave up on this dream too.

But I always say this to myself every morning that "this is not the end yet, I'll find my way to have what I want, it's just not the right time" :)

I know I've big dreams to achieve but I'd never give up on my parents dreams too and I don't think so anyone would want that too. I may not be right in this case but it's just my opinion which I thought to share with you sir.

So I guess we'd give up on our dreams for our loved ones . :)

Thank you !!


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