Selfish for Success: Entrepreneur | Business | Psychology | Self Esteem | Happiness | Health

Selfish for Success: Entrepreneur | Business | Psychology | Self Esteem | Happiness | Health

SFS 063: A Rarely-Talked-About Key to Success

July 11, 2018

A very overlooked and rarely talked about key to success is Responsibility. I'm not talking about doing chores or fulfilling dreaded obligations, but taking responsibility for the course of your life. It comes down to two choices:

1. Take 1000% responsibility for your life, happiness and success
2. Leave it up to someone or something else to give you the life you want

The choice you make will have a PROFOUND impact on your success, happiness and self-esteem.

Episode highlights:

Why giving up responsibility leads to anxiety, passivity, and failure
When you give up responsibility you give up control over your life
Taking 1000% responsibility for your life leads to enormous benefits
How taking the reins of your life makes each day an adventure

Ask yourself: Am I taking 1000% responsibility for my life? Or am I waiting for someone or something else to give me what I want (happiness, my dreams or goals, my values)? What are the consequences or rewards of each choice? 

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Resources Mentioned

SFS 061: The Secret to Self-Confidence

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Therapy and sleep coaching with me.