Business In Real Life

Business In Real Life

Episode 22 – Note Cards Part 1 – Debbie DeChambeau

April 04, 2017

Do you want to stand out and get noticed?  If so, do what people have been doing for centuries.  Send a hand written note.  Yes, I know, with technology, sending note cards can seem obsolete, but think about it.  How many emails do you get every day vs. snail mail?  How many emails do you just delete, delete, delete just to clean up your inbox?

Now, think about how many hand written notes you get in your regular snail mail box?  When you get them, what do you do?  If you are like most of people, when it’s hand written envelope, you pay attention.  You feel like it might be a special piece of mail.  And you probably open it and read it!

Now, can you say that with every email you get?  My guess is probably not.

If you are inclined to open a handwritten note, how do you think the person you send one to will feel when they receive one from you?  It’s a powerful tool that will help differentiate you from the crowd and if you aren’t already writing and sending them, it’s something you might want to consider starting.
Click here for your Note Card Idea Sheet
I know your time is valuable and you have a lot of podcasts to choose from so we hope you’ll find value in today’s episode where today we talk about handwritten personal note cards.

This is a two part episode…yes, I know what you are thinking, is there really that much to say about handwritten personal notes.  Well, actually there is.

Part 1, this episode, will hopefully is to inspire you and share all the different ways you can use a personal hand written note
Part 2 includes

Ideas on how how you can actually get your personal handwritten notes done from what type of paper to what to say.
A special gift to help you get your personal notes completed. Basically paper to scripts.
Provides FAQ’s for writing notes so make sure to listen to that one as well.

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Select Business Team brings business owners of service professions together to discuss the back office issues of running a business. We interview our members who are business owners and they share their real life experiences of running a business.  (when talking to business owners: The ideas we share with you in this episode are valuable to any business owner. ) If you would like to join a Team or start one of your own, reach out to me at and let’s have a conversation.

I’m a big fan of hand written notes, and I have been for as long as I’ve been in the business world.  When I first started selling, I made it a habit to send hand written notes.  I studied a lot about sales and went to a lot of Tom Peters programs.  He frequently talked about hand written notes.

Thanking people makes them more likely to continue a relationship, which has the potential to lead to more opportunities for you. Except for the cost of paper and a stamp, showing gratitude is free.  Showing gratitude helps us treasure good experiences, deal with conflict and build better relationships.

Over the years I’ve also been inspired by Brian Buffini  for sending note cards. If you aren’t familiar with Brian, he’s built a real estate coaching business.  While I’ve never been in real estate, I’ve attended several of his events over the years because he’s very motivational and his system is simple…and it works. He teaches his clients to send 5 note cards a day.  A lot of people find that task overwhelming, but think about it.  If you can send 25 a week,