The Secrets In Plain Sight!

The Secrets In Plain Sight!

Latest Episodes

November 19, 2016 - Spiritual Protection For Your Self!
November 18, 2016

The events of the last few weeks have some folks wondering if there is a need for more spiritual protection, especially for those in the so-called "other religions".  Actually, the need has always been there and is no greater than it has been for...

November 12, 2016 - What Do We Do Now?!
November 11, 2016

This is a religious show, aimed primarily at those of "alternative faiths", but the fact is that we have to deal with the realities of life, including politics.  And the election of Donald Trump to the presidency of the United States is something...

November 5, 2016 - You're Not Wrong!
November 04, 2016

I keep saying that your spiritual path is your business, as is your spiritual growth and learning.  The problem is that on the way to enlightenment, so many of us are confronted by what seems to be an army of nitpickers and self-appointed...

October 29, 2016 - Samhain!
October 28, 2016

Samhain is here!  Don't worry about the date when you hear this, because Samhaintide lasts a while.  The veil thins, and then it thickens.  It is not like a door that opens and then slams shut, which is the impression some have of...

October 22, 2016 - A Vision To Enjoy!
October 21, 2016

With Samhain coming, we need to look at beginnings, and see what beginnings we want to begin.  This is the right time for that.  And we have clues about what we can do all around us! I've said before, often enough that some of you think I'm...

October 15, 2016 - Who are your Visitors?
October 14, 2016

With Samhain approaching and the veil between the worlds being at its thinnest, we do well to remember that not only might we want to reach out to them, but they might want to reach out to us.  After all, it works both ways. If you miss someone...

October 8, 2016 - Reaching Out To Touch Someone!
October 07, 2016

We are approaching the time when it is easiest to reach across the veil to those on the other side.  It is also the time when it is easiest for them to reach out to us.  And, there are times when we feel the need or desire to reach out to...

October 1, 2016 - Gearing Up For Samhain!
September 30, 2016

Like with any Sabbat, holiday or other special occasion, Samhain has its preparation.  Along with all of the other preparations going on, how about preparing yourself spiritually for Samhain?  It is perhaps the most spiritual of all Sabbats,...

September 24, 2016 - Hell No, I won't Let Go!
September 23, 2016

I am grateful that while I have been going through the grieving process for my best friend, I have mercifully been spared the gratuitous advice of the useless variety such as I have been subjected to in times past.  It's bad enough to hear about...

September 17, 2016 - That Bridge, Again!
September 16, 2016

Saying Goodbye To My Best Friend