Seasoned Vets

Seasoned Vets

Latest Episodes

Episode 10: Golf, a sport full of douchebags
April 17, 2019

The Vets talk about The Masters, the backwards views of Augusta golf club and Martin goes on an emotional roller coaster when it comes to his relationship with John Daly. 

Superbowl - thePatriots
January 31, 2019

Kenyada yada yada . It’s the Patriots episode and the final Super Bowl week episode. We make our predictions but mainly talk about this one guy that you may have heard of.

Superbowl - theRams
January 31, 2019

This episode is about the La Rams specifically about things about the Rams and not about the sports

Superbowl Halftime Shows
January 30, 2019

an Ode to halftime shows. Maroon 5 doesnt care about racism. And a disney man knows how to put on a show.

Superbowl Commercials
January 28, 2019

Some of the stories behind the biggest commercials in Super Bowl history. Colton pitches his dads' Snoop Dogg Home Depot Commercial. 'Wasssup' is more artsy than you think, yet definitely still bad. Materialism is really getting a hold of Colton's s...

Superbowl ProBowl
January 27, 2019

day 1 of our Superbowl Appetizer Roll out. We tried to talk about the Probowl, but found out that Probowl actually sucks. So we found some ...
